
It’s all in the loop – Exciting denim developments by Calik, Isko & Co.

Denim is the democratic fabric per se. It has defined how numerous generations have expressed their sense of fashion and has played its part in collections in countless interpretations from streetwear to the catwalk. Jeans are simply icons. But sadly they are also bad for the environment in many instances. Traditionally, producing denim requires an impossible amount of water and power, not to mention the pesticides. Today, however, an ever-greater number of pre-stage companies are finding ways of sustainably manufacturing the blue cult material – and this has been greeted with open arms by the processing industry and designers alike. Recyclable fibers and materials, eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and innovative technologies are all seeking to do justice to the ever more popular notion of a circular economy. We present some of the most exciting new denim developments.

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